This was initially a straightforward concept, very simple & direct.  But clients wanted it to be more than that, thus, Dancing QR Man was born.  Working with Grey Malaysia once more & Optinovus Films has been great.  With freedom to work on more daring dance moves, rarely seen on local TV, we enlisted the help […]


Big. Bold.  Oozing pressure.  But we pulled it off.  From a creative idea under Grey Malaysia & production Optinovus Film, we went through several iterations and finally settled on this.  My original intent was to create a complete one take commercial from beginning to end.  However, this became highly improbable, as we had time limitations […]

VIVO X50 ‘A Fashion Impression with Raisa Azzam’

This was a very guerilla-style shoot, fast-paced & non-stop.  Based on a rough script from agency VMLY&R, & working with production house Shootworksasia, we shot 2 boards over 2 days.  Raisa, a great, humble fashion photographer was a pleasure to work with.  We acquired 2 models who performed just like professionals, & the exterior of […]


A series of short & creative ads that depict unique USPs of Malaysia Airlines Berhad. For most of them, agency Reprise wanted to have a bit of the Zach King influence, using camera & post-production trickery to sell what would normally seem pretty mundane & straightforward. Thus Shootworksasia & myself enhanced the initial ideas & […]


A series of short & creative ads that depict unique USPs of Malaysia Airlines Berhad. For most of them, agency Reprise wanted to have a bit of the Zach King influence, using camera & post-production trickery to sell what would normally seem pretty mundane & straightforward. Thus Shootworksasia & myself enhanced the initial ideas & […]

MALAYSIA AIRLINES ‘Last Minute Upgrade’

A series of short & creative ads that depict unique USPs of Malaysia Airlines Berhad. For most of them, agency Reprise wanted to have a bit of the Zach King influence, using camera & post-production trickery to sell what would normally seem pretty mundane & straightforward. Thus Shootworksasia & myself enhanced the initial ideas & […]

MALAYSIA AIRLINES ‘Preferred Seating’

A series of short & creative ads that depict unique USPs of Malaysia Airlines Berhad. For most of them, agency Reprise wanted to have a bit of the Zach King influence, using camera & post-production trickery to sell what would normally seem pretty mundane & straightforward. Thus Shootworksasia & myself enhanced the initial ideas & […]

MALAYSIA AIRLINES ‘Neighbour Free Seats’

A series of short & creative ads that depict unique USPs of Malaysia Airlines Berhad. For most of them, agency Reprise wanted to have a bit of the Zach King influence, using camera & post-production trickery to sell what would normally seem pretty mundane & straightforward. Thus Shootworksasia & myself enhanced the initial ideas & […]


The final of the 3 ideas from Mullenlowe & production house Shootworksasia, revolves around current Country Director of Global Schools Leaders Malaysia, Cheryl Ann Fernando.  She even has a movie made about her successes called ‘Adiwiraku’.  She turned the students in a rural school around by giving her all, & they emerged champions for the 1sttime – […]


This was a rather tricky project from conception; we needed to balance out existing still images of real-life Taylor’s Alumni the Oei brothers taken from years back, with live-action shots of them in current times, but to create a story that has spanned over 7 years.  The challenge was really in treating the raw, mundane images […]