McDONALD’S ‘Samurai’
My 1st McDonald’s ad (well, technically 2nd because I shot one about 18 years ago, which doesn’t really count), that I’m really very excited about. One of 2 boards that were shot in the same day, 85% outdoors, during a month of rain. You could say, we were all very nervous about getting everything done in time, but we did it. With 1st & 2nd units under Lightflux Productions, the 2nd team shot some of the wider action scenes while we covered some of the more emotional aspects of the board. From a basic concept from Agency Leo Burnett, we came up with some gags that would put some fun elements back Parkour, where one of the parkour Samurai’s decided to take the stairs while the other takes the lift. There are little so-called humorous moments, further grounded by the fact that our Samurai’s avoid innocent bystanders on the streets & in between corridors by jumping around them. These scenarios lent some human interaction to what could otherwise have been just a long boring action sequence of 2 guys jumping around. We managed to get the best of the best Parkour guys to perform all these jumps multiple times over. Needless to say, at the end of the day, their legs were just… spent. We travelled within KL city rooftops, stairways & streets ending up at the iconic Bukit Bintang McDonald’s area. DPed by CYang, while 2nd unit DP was Kelvin with 1st AD Shito. We used the Sony A7SIII for both units, with the GoPro Hero8 & Mavic Air for additional shots. Edited by Danboy, color graded by freelancer JF, with Online by Zeph from TentoSeven.