HONOR 7X ‘SonaOne’
Whenever you get a celebrity-related job, there’s always a slight concern whether he/she will be a prima donna. There’re usually plenty of demands of this & that put forth by managers, & this was Honor 7X job was no different. So, naturally I was completely taken aback when SonaOne stepped on set… he is the coolest & most enthusiastic celebrity I have ever met or worked with. Oh, & he’s incredibly polite too, lol! Which of course, made all our jobs easier. The main challenge really, came from the initial stages of brainstorming ideas with PlayPictures based loosely on the clients brief. After proposing 4 treatments, we finally came to an agreement that this idea worked best. We proposed for a campus shoot which allowed us various different looks & feel without the addition of traffic & travel logistics, etc. It was a day to night shoot, & towards the end, we just hunkered down & shot at frenzied pacing as we were already over the allocated celebrity timing by a couple of hours. The most exciting part of the shoot for me personally, was the backflip shot performed by a parkour professional. Needless to say, he had to do this at least 8 times to get it perfectly right, as there were no camera tricks & the phone really fell out of his pocket perfectly. It would’ve been nice to have more parkour elements throughout the spot, but the clients felt that it may have taken away from our lead, Sona himself. This 85sec video was shot with Kenz Koh using the Sony FS7, with the DJI Ronin, with color grading at Meccanica FX. The rest of Post-production was completed by Play Pictures.