DUGRO ‘Ramadhan 2022’
From Agency Entropia & clients Danone, comes an honest & genuine script for Ramadhan. Working with PH Lightflux, for me, the end result says it all. The kid is adorable, natural, & intelligent. Or appears to be lol. This was his first attempt at acting, so, needless to say we had an extremely tough & challenging day with him. A day became another half a day. That ‘kind’ of challenging. But, because he had no prior experience, what we had in the final film were genuine emotions & gestures from him. And that’s what really matters. To top it off, we had so many lines for him to deliver, & thankfully, he’s brilliant in the memorizing department. We didn’t do anything fancy in terms of camera movements except for the top down jump cut shot, but otherwise all normal. It’s not meant to be wow, but more a heartfelt message aimed at the Rakyat. Shot with DOP Loh with the Sony FS7, Panasonic S1H for 1st day, & Sony A7Siii for the 2nd day. Post Production was completed at TenToSeven with Vikster as editor, & Zeph as Online. BK for grading.