New Balance ‘Color Run’
‘The Color Run is for the People.’ No description is more apt than this. Co-sponsored by New Balance, Agency Cheil China Group together with their recently acquired Bravo Asia came up with this idea to further enhance New Balance’s on-going Runnovation campaign, by involving themselves with the Color Run held in Singapore August 2013. Working together with Shootworks from Kuala Lumpur, & armed with 6 cameras including GoPros, the Canon 5D Mark III & Canon 6Ds & the Sony FS700 we set on a mission to shoot as much footage of the race as possible. We had to recreate several scenes to allow for more beautiful & engaging visuals, captured wonderfully in 200fps via the FS700. It was a physically challenging 2-day shoot, & including our recce, we probably clocked in a good walking/running distance of 20km over 3 days! This was truly an international collaboration; with crew from both Malaysia & Singapore, & the clients from Hong Kong, & Offline completion in Malaysia & Color Grade+Music Compostion+Online in The Post Production Office in Hong Kong.