MAS Safety Video 2018

One of my biggest clients to date and a spot that will be seen by more people than I can ever imagine lol. This was a fun shoot, accomplished within 2 days as we had time restrictions on the plane availability. When I first came up with the ideas – there were 3 – one […]

Gintell – Hand of Good

This was definitely a challenging board in almost every aspect. The clients tasked myself & Singnan Communications to come up with some ideas that would focus on the human touch first & foremost, & after many ideas were exchanged, we settled on this Hand of Good. It hasn’t really been done before on local tv […]

OLIGO The Magical Exploration

It’s always fun to create a world that doesn’t exist. To let your imagination soar. With today’s technology, CGI has become so advanced that we can achieve relatively photorealistic renditions of characters & objects. And that was what really intrigued me with this concept. Oligo helps you realize your dreams if only for a short […]

GLUCERNA ‘Balance’

When you have great support, everything just falls into place.  And so, this film ended up a polished, clean, clear & informative spot.  From Agency Entropia & Clients Abbott, with PH Lightflux, we did have our challenges during the full CGI sequence, where we had to get the colors & texture of the objects right, […]